Backpacker Jobs in Wentworth NSW: Types & Wages

Are you a voyager travelling from one place to another, with just a backpack full of survival essentials and a heart full of wanderlust? Or do you want to become one of those itinerant Backpackers who’re always on the go, work where they’re staying and travel again? 

While there may not be an endless travel route, you can certainly extend your travel diary by a few more pages if you’re willing to work on one of those Hostel jobs that are popular amongst Backpackers in Australia. They’re not just a good way to keep your travel budget recharging but also you’ll meet fellow travellers and also make travel buddies. Also, there are several options for farm work, fruit pickers and backpackers hostels in Wentworth, NSW near Mildura and Curlwaa where you can land your desired backpackers job.

Therefore, let’s talk about the most common backpacker jobs you can find in Wentworth NSW.

Type 1: Farm Work

The most common Backpacker jobs that you can find in and around the town of Wentworth is farm work. They’re seasonal, meaning they differ with changing seasons and the difficulty or simplicity of the job also varies. Sometimes farm work may require you to plough the field, spray fertilizers & pesticides, plant crops, operate farm equipment, and more.

Type 2: Fruit Picking

In Australia, the fruit picking season usually starts in November and ends in May. However, it may vary slightly depending upon the temperature and weather. NSW is mostly popular for apples, cherries, berries, pears, legumes, maize, and nuts. 

Fruit harvesting period spans for around 7 months but the busiest months are December to February. But it also differs for each crop type.

Type 3: In-House Chores

Sometimes, you might even find in-house chores such as cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc that motel owners would offer to backpackers as hostel jobs.


These backpacker jobs can be paid in two different ways; either per hour or if it’s for fruit picking then as per the amount of fruit you pick. You’ll receive wages based on Australia’s Standard wage rate for casual farm work which amounts to AUD$22.56 per hour. 
